Friday 13 January 2012


Assalamualaikum :D

haii pakwe ensem n awek cantik . so hows ur life ? ad bahagia ? Alhamdulillahh if yes..soo far sy tanamm anggur je dekat rumahh . mmg memboringkan but thats how I learn how to be a woman who is good at doing housework ^_^ ohoo , tolong lahh  .. okayy ! stop bubling . and peace .

soo I've been tag from AMALINA SURAYA SAHAR :

11 rules 

1.You must post this rules
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal
3.Answer the ques that tagger set for you in their post and create 11 new ques for the people you tagged to  answer
4.You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post
5.Go to their page and tell HIM/HER
6.No tag back
7.No stuff in the tagging section

11 Things about me

1. I've simple and short name . Afifah Adib . and dah jadi kebiasaan people use to  call me Afifah Adib rather than my name in my Identity card Afifah Binti Adib ^_^
2. Currently stay at Batu Pahat n Johor Bahru . friends call me ' orang Nomad ' bcoz ada dua tempat berteduh ni . I dont know whether its my advantadges or otherwise
3. I'm a sporty girl , sempoy and pernah some of my junior said I'm behave like a Tomboy , ohh really its not a fact ! okayy ? :D
4. Fa bukan gurl yang addicted with pinky stuff ,flowers or accessories , how to look beauty n so on .. and I dont like fashion n because of that I think I'm out to date person :D ( tak segan pulakk aku mengaku , hee )
5. I'm just ordinary , softly spoken and warm person :D ahhaaa and I'm so Naive , please believe it . peace .I'm quickly make a friends yeah !
6. Addicted with Mr Teddy . sebabb ia sgt comel . and senang untuk melepaskan tension taw . sbb sng nk tumbuk , takdelah sakit tgn ni :)
7. Fa suka makan masakan kampung rather than Thai and western food . Asam pedas n Masak Lemak cili padi . awesome !
8. HLovate ? pernahh bace tak karya dia ? n I'm one of the person yang suka collect dia punya version . dan banyak kali jugak I khatamm . errr , khatam novel dia lahh :D nak pinjam ? tell me , heee
9. Saya tak tahu apa-apa pasal motor , so bawak motor jauh sekali la kann.. mungkin Ia kelemahan saya memandangkan sekarang ni motor lebih banyak menabur bakti dan jasa kepada student , alahai
10. saya Minah Jiwang ? ohooo , damm cool
11. I'm try to be ladies rigth now , but I dont know where to start :( yelahh sekarang ni kann makin tua .. ye tak ?

The answer for the question

Do you really Intrest in blogging ? why ?
Nak kate intrest sgt menaip not so but this is a thing I’m looking fur when I think to speak out something
Fb or twitter ?
I prefer Fb rather than twitter , maybe its because di Fb ramai kawan-kawan lama , di twitter banyak sgt artiss . ohooo :D
Do you prefer privacy or don’t mind ?
Tak semua bende mesti ada privacy , it depends on what the things..kalau dah semua bende nak privacy , errr kawann pon tak sukee . but jangan pulakk open minded terlebiih , makann hidup sendiri nanti
What is your fav colour ?
I don’t have specific colour yang I most like , but saya suka colour yang lembut
When is your birthday ?
Date of birth fa jatuhh on 18 Aprill , terasa da besarr ! haaaa
What do you wish to have on your birthday ?
Okay nak start berangan nie , emm..fa harap on my date of birth akan dtg hope my life masa tu more stable , dahh bolehh fikir nak atur kehidupann ( da besar sgt la kann ) and I dream to have situation di mane all my beloved family and friends wish fur me .. always there for me , ( saya tak mnx present taw , cukup lahh doa yang ikhlas ) :D
What is youe specialities that other people don’t have it ?
Frankly speaking fa jenis seorang pendengar . a good listener . tak semua ada kelebihan tu kan , I’m grateful to have that specialities . ( sakit hati tak kalau kita bercerita dekat membe dye wt dengar x dengar je ? ohoo ) I’m not that person okay :p
When you feel sad what will you do  ?
Bila da masuk mood dengar lagu-lagu jiwang haaa tande tengah bersedih la tu , and fa akan keep on staring on my Mr Teddy . gila ? takk !
Is it important for you to have friends ?
Bagi fa mane ad orang yang bole hidup sorang-sorang kann , thats why Allah turunkan Hawa untukk Adam .. kawan mmg penting because dye memainkan peranan dan pengaruh yang besar dlm kehidupan kita . some people say dia bole hidup alone without friends ? nak tengok sikit la bole survive ke takk
What is your first impression towards me ?
Okay nina , jujor ni .. HAHA , mula-mula sombong dye makk aii , then dahh berkawann haaa nina orang yang banyak ckp jgkk taw ^_^
What do you think about me ?
You have ur own personalities that other people can respect you , believe on me this is true ! heee

My Question

1.     Apa maksud nama awak ?
2.     Ur opinion tentang zaman childhood awak ?
3.     Do you prefer to have BIBIK ==’ ? why ?
4.     Bidang yang awak minat ?
5.     Intrest takk dengan sports ? why ?
6.     Kalau diberi pilihan , you prefer to choose Adidas or Gucci ?
7.     Ur fav idol ?
8.     Keinginan pada waktu sekarang ?
9.     Ur specialities ?
10. Ur opinion about me ?
11. Manusia yang bagaimana yang boleh attract awak ?

People yang di tag :D